The Nation of Israel

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Yeshiva WebsiteThe Curse of Loneliness
The battle against antisemitism can be won, but it will not be if Jews believe that we are destined to be alone. That is Bilaam’s curse, not God’s blessing.
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    Jewish Privilege
    Anti-Semitism reappears in every generation and constantly mutates. Lately, the Anti-Semites have raised the bugaboo of Jewish privilege.
  • "Why Do Rabbis Argue So Often? The 10 Concise Causes of Machloket"
    Anyone who has opened a page in the Talmud or entered a Beit Midrash, is puzzled with the question of why are there so many differences of opinions among rabbis, and why they're always arguing? If the Torah comes from 1 God, shouldn't there be 1 absolute truth? Why are there so many commentaries on just about every pasuk in Tanach? This concise class summarize this large topic, addressing halachic, logical, technological and technical reasons, analyzing & summarizing in 10 clear categories, what stands behind all those machlokot?
  • How Did Rav Kook Base His Decision that We Must Love Non-Religious Jews?
    How can the Torah command us to love every single Jew? How can the Torah command us to feel an emotion? Apparently we're referring to a mindset that is achievable, but how? Rav Kook was famous for his love of each and every Jew, even those far from Torah. This approach was very controversial in his time, but has since been almost unanimously accepted, even within haredi circles. What is the halachic and philosophic explanation and basis, and how can we practically acquire this difficult trait?
  • Answering Accusations of Israeli-Occupation
    These oft-debated issues of "hasbara", demand good answers. Rav Shvat suggests 4 replies to the accusation of Israel occupying arab "territories" based upon the difficulty western & rational man has in understanding why the arabs could be the aggressors if they always suffer more casualties? The world doesn't understand the Jihad mindset which doesn't mind losing wars and being suicide bombers which in fact, defies logic and prevents deterrance. History, both old and new also bolster the Jewish claims. Anti-semitism is an additional unfortunate clouding factor. Among several approaches to why the moral mitzvot are geared particularly to Jews: is simply that the Torah addresses Jewish life, among Jews, in the Jewish Land for the Jewish People, and more.
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